On a field of battle, it’s all in the details. There’s the details you see sharply and the ones can bring you a sharp end.
Sharp Details…
Standing in a battle line, crammed tight like salted cod in a barrel, you see your whole world through a new pair of eyes.
Don’t Press the Button
My name is Joe. I’ve the most important job in the world. I polish the Button. The big fat round one says ‘Don’t Press the Button’ above it, in brass lettering. It’s really the only button in the room, you can’t not see it. It’s red. The Button’s the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning and the last when I lay down on my cot.
Sleep Of No Dreaming
I was dreaming again. An uncomfortable dream, yes. The kind where you want to shuffle your feet, only it feels like they’re leaden. You try to speak, but someone has sewn your mouth shut with invisible thread. I hate dreams like this. They turn me into a simple passenger.
Ah, but you will likely want to know what it was about.